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Kako spremeniti vrednost glede na barvo celice v Excelu?

Ta članek govori o samodejnem spreminjanju vrednosti celice glede na barvo ozadja v Excelu. Če se celice na primer napolnijo z rdečo barvo ozadja, nato te celice napolnite s številko 1, za celice z modro barvo ozadja pa izpolnite številko 0.

Spremenite vrednost glede na barvo celice s kodo VBA

Spremenite vrednost glede na barvo celice s kodo VBA

Spodnjo kodo VBA lahko zaženete, da spremenite vrednost glede na barvo celice v Excelu. Naredite naslednje.

1. Izberite obseg, ki ga želite spremeniti glede na barvo ozadja, nato pritisnite druga + F11 tipke hkrati, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. V Ljubljani Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduli, nato kopirajte in prilepite spodnjo kodo VBA v okno modula.

Koda VBA: Spremenite vrednost glede na barvo celice v Excelu

Sub ChangeValueBasedOnCellColor()
    Dim rg As Range
    Dim xRg As Range
    Set xRg = Selection.Cells
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    For Each rg In xRg
        With rg
            Select Case .Interior.Color
                Case Is = 255 'Red
                    .Value = 1
                Case Is = 15773696 'Blue
                    .Value = 0
            End Select
        End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub

3. Pritisnite F5 tipko za zagon kode, potem lahko vidite, da so vse rdeče celice v izbranem obsegu napolnjene s številko 1, modre celice pa s številko 0, kot je prikazano spodaj.


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Is there a way to do this, but have it automatically go through multiple files?
For context, questionnaires were sent to a couple hundred facilities, their MC answer selected corresponds to a color indicating score (e.g. green is good, red is bad), and change the content of the cell (with a process like in this thread) to something that R or another software could read, and then use that to generate automatic reports. I could go through each of these files with this macro (or a completely different idea), but that would take a long time.
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The code works fine for me, but I would need to rewrite the code to fit colours specific for my document. But I don´t know what code "my colours" have, anyone who know where on can find codes for other colours?
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I came across this lucky strike which was helpful but don't know where to find a full directory! 
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How do you run it, i run but nothing seems to happen
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You can replace colors to values by simply using Find and Replace function. Go to the format function on the right side of the Find and Replace dialog box and then under "Fill" you can select the color that you have. Then on the "replace with" just write the value you want.
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is it possible to adjust this code based on the cells conditional formatting rule?
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Excel seems to crash whenever I try to run the VBA code. Seems like a bust.
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Good day,
The code works well in my case. Can you tell me your Excel version? Thank you for your comment.
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I'm in the same boat, trying to run this but the code seems to get hung. Excel 2016.
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I'm looking to give a cell a name based on the colour within one worksheet. i.e. if a cell is red then it gets named "name", if it is orange then it gets names "surname" etc.

What code would need to change to have the range as the whole sheet/tab and a name instead of a value?
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What changes to the code would be needed if you wanted this to apply to the text color of a cell, rather than the cell color?
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