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Kako ustvariti grafikon z datumom in uro na osi X v Excelu?

V Excelu običajno vstavimo grafikon za boljši opis podatkov. Toda v nekaterih primerih, ko ustvarite stolpec / stolpec / linijski grafikon na podlagi niza datumov in ure, je lahko os X grafikona prikazana kot spodaj posnetek zaslona. V tem članku predstavljam način, kako na grafikonu pravilno prikazati datum in uro na osi X.
doc graf z datumom in uro 1

Pravilno ustvarite grafikon z datumom in uro na osi X.

puščica modri desni mehurček Pravilno ustvarite grafikon z datumom in uro na osi X.

Za pravilen prikaz datuma in ure morate samo spremeniti možnost v Oblika osi dialog.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite os X na grafikonu in izberite Oblika osi iz kontekstnega menija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc graf z datumom in uro 2

2. Nato v Oblika osi podokno oz Oblika osi pogovorno okno, pod Možnosti osi tab, preveri Besedilna os možnost v Tip osi odsek. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
  doc graf z datumom in uro 4
Če uporabljate različico excel pozneje kot leta 2010, lahko vidite podokno Format Axis in izberete možnost Text text pod možnostjo Axis Type v skupini Axis Options.
doc graf z datumom in uro 3

3. klik Zapri ali se vrnite na grafikon, nato pa so bili podatki o datumu in uri pravilno prikazani na osi X. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:
doc graf z datumom in uro 5

Ustvarite tabelo merilnika hitrosti v dveh korakih!

Včasih boste morda želeli uporabiti tabelo merilnika hitrosti, da prikažete ceno projekta, toda v Excelu je za izdelavo tabele merilnika hitrosti potrebno veliko korakov, ki so zapleteni in zapravljajo čas. Tukaj Tabela hitrosti orodje v Kutools za Excel vam lahko v dveh preprostih korakih pomaga ustvariti standardni grafikon merilnika hitrosti. Prenesite to orodje z brezplačno 30-dnevno preskusno različico.
doc tabela hitrosti

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
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I have the same issue when graphing data that has date AND time: points on the graph are equally spaced, whereas the underlying data has unequal gaps between datapoints. Data is in the form "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" formatted as date/time (not text). Data spans multiple days so it's not possible to extract just the time element.
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I have a chart with x-axis in time that stretches during about 6h and 35min. I have data for each 20min in the beginning, then 15min and lastly each 10min. Also, in between I have 45min and 5min data.. The issue that I have, and several others, is that each gap between the date are equally spaced out. Meaning that, even if it is only 5min the gap is the same as if it was 45min.
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i want to make a line graph which contains thousand of entries it's included date, time, month and year, so please help me out.
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Hi, syed Mubashir alam, I do not understand your quetion, if you just create a line graph and the x-axis contains month/day/year hour:minute as below screenshot shown:
just follow above steps of the article. If your question is about the axis contents are to long, there is no good idea.
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i want to make a line graph which contains thousands of entries including time, date, month and year but i couldn't make a line graph so please help me out.
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It's good coment that point is not a comma. When you want to add more numericals numbers you should use comma in excel ;)
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Excel menus have changed - this is an out of date article - please update for 2020 .. e.g where is AXIS TYPE now?
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I did not found Excel 2020, just 365 2019, which menus are the same as 2013,2016 version.
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How do I remove days that don't have data in them. Example 8/1-8/31 but not data was captured on 8/3 or 8/4, how do I remove those dates from my graph? They are not in my data table so why is it pulling them?
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Open the Excel file that holds the chart from which you want to exclude dates. Click the X-axis, located underneath the chart, so that it becomes surrounded by a small box. Right-click inside the box and choose "Format Axis" from the popup menu. Click "Axis Options" on the left side of the "Format Axis" window. Locate the three "Axis Type" options in the middle of the screen on the right side of the window. Click the radio button next to "Text axis."
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Hi, I have an issue here. When I opened "Format Axis" and "Axis Options", there is no "Axis Type" choice here
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Hi, Agassi, which Excel version you use?
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Easy, useful, but i didn't know. Thanks a lot
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But it doesnt show them in right relation to eachother. For example 2 hours and 6 hours are same in chart..
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Hi Kiwi, maybe you can paint a chart to show me what you want the chart show.
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