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Kako pretvoriti ure v 8-urne delovne dni v Excelu?

Če imate seznam ur, ki jih morate pretvoriti v 8-urne delovne dni, da boste lahko hitro dobili skupne delovne dni zaposlenega. Kako bi se lahko hitro in enostavno spopadli s tem delom v Excelu?

Pretvorite ure v 8-urne delovne dni s formulo

Pretvorite ure v 8-urne delovne dni s formulo

Če želite urnik spremeniti v običajni delovni dan, lahko uporabite naslednje formule:

Vnesite to formulo: = QUOTIENT (A2,8) & "dni" & ((A2 / 8) -QUOTIENT (A2,8)) * 8 & "ur" v prazno celico, kjer želite dobiti rezultat, in nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, v katere želite izpolniti to formulo, in vse urne celice so pretvorjene v 8-urno obliko delovnih dni. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opombe: Če imate ure v formatu HH: MM: SS, lahko delovni dan dobite na naslednji način:

1. Vnesite to formulo: = A2 * 3 v prazno celico, da postavite rezultat, in nato povlecite ročico za polnjenje navzdol do celic, glejte posnetek zaslona:

2. Nato izberite celice formule in z desno miškino tipko izberite Oblikuj celice iz kontekstnega menija v Oblikuj celice pogovorno okno, kliknite po meri v Kategorija in vnesite 0.00 "dni" v tip besedilno polje, glej posnetek zaslona:

3. In nato kliknite OK , da zaprete pogovorno okno, in dobili boste rezultate, kot jih potrebujete, glejte posnetek zaslona:

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Comments (14)
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good morning

I was able to convert days and hours with the formula but I can't enter the minutes, could I send the formula containing days, hours and minutes?
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ok.. got it... pls do not approve the comment. thanks.
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i believe something is wrong... 400hrs cannot be 50 working days! Let me explain by using simple formula:
if 40 hours = 1 day, how many days are there in 400hrs?

40 = 1
400 = ?

then it is 400/40 = 10days
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hi, how to sum up all hours in figures?
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How do i calculate days from given hours and exclude weekends for this example above?
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Hi, Sibu,
Maybe the folloewing formula can help you, please try, hope it can help you!
=FLOOR(A1*3,1)&" Days and "&TEXT(SUM(A1,-TIME(8,0,0)*FLOOR(A1*3,1))," h") & " Hours " & MINUTE(A1) & " Minutes "
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Hi I want to do the opposite from 3 days 6 hours 10 minutes have the formula to get 30:10:45
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thanks for this training. but what was looking for is to calculate how many hours been worked for using the start time and the end time.
i.e. start time end time total hours
8:30 5:00

I want you to please show me the formula to calculate the total hours I have worked for within this period of time.

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To solve your problem, maybe the following article can help you, please try:
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This formula works but if I want the work days and hours remaining, what is the formula for that?
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What is the formula for vice-versa? As in if i want to convert 1 days, 08:45:23 into 32:45:23
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HI There,

please con you help me with the Excel Formula to Calculate the Standard Net Hours

The Required NET Hours to Work is 7.5 hours per day, i want the net hours to be calculated automatically as 7.5 hours and also show variance if theres' any short hours.

Name Log In Log Out Gross Hours Extra Hours Net Hours
Benny Boli 8:47 16:33 0:00 0:00 0:00
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Can u tell me what is 31.90 hours how many days is that
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