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Kako omejiti rezultat formule na največjo ali najnižjo vrednost v Excelu?

Tu je nekaj celic, ki jih je treba vnesti, zdaj pa želim uporabiti formulo za seštevanje celic, vendar rezultat omejiti na največjo vrednost, kot je 100. Z drugimi besedami, če je vsota manjša od 100, prikaži seštevek sicer prikažite 100.

Rezultat formule omejite na največjo ali najmanjšo vrednost

Rezultat formule omejite na največjo ali najmanjšo vrednost

Če želite opraviti to nalogo, morate v Excelu uporabiti samo funkcijo Max ali Min.

Rezultat formule omejite na največjo vrednost (100)

Izberite celico, v katero boste postavili formulo, vnesite to formulo = MIN (100, (SUM (A5: A10))), A5: A10 je obseg celic, ki ga boste povzeli in pritisnili Vnesite. Če je vsota večja od 100, bo prikazana 100, v nasprotnem primeru pa seštevek.

Vsota je večja od 100, pokaži 100
doc limi največ najmanj 1
Vsota je manjša od 100, pokaži vsoto
doc limi največ najmanj 2

Rezultat formule omejite na najmanjšo vrednost (20)

Izberite celico, v katero postavite formulo, vnesite to = MaX (20, (SUM (A5: A10))), A5: A10 je obseg celic, ki ga boste povzeli in pritisnili Vnesite. Če je vsota manjša od 20, se prikaže 20; če ne, prikažite seštevek.

Vsota je manjša od 20, oddaja 20
doc limi največ najmanj 3
Vsota je večja od 20, pokaži vsoto
doc limi največ najmanj 4

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I would like the cell to return the value calculated, but is less than the minimum, it will only show the minimum but if greater than the maximum it will only show the maximum, but if in between the true value would appear. But the range may changed on the level chosen. D4 - insert current salary / D6 choose level / D7 would show minimum of that level and D8 would show the maximum of that level. D9 would be the percentage in increase and E9 would show the new calculcation. D11 titled new salary would display the calculation but if less than the minimum on show the minimum value, if greater the maximum only show the maximum value
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If the summation is more than this sum up the tale invoices below the target amount

Merchant Name Recoveries from Merchant
Baxter Plc ₦1,001,000.00 ₦4,634,642.50
Baxter Plc ₦59,197.50
Baxter Plc ₦641,000.00
Baxter Plc ₦1,751,000.00
Baxter Plc ₦101,000.00
Baxter Plc ₦1,021,000.00
Baxter Plc ₦101,000.00
Baxter Plc ₦746,000.00
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=IF(SUMIFS('FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$K:$K,'FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$E:$E,$A15)>$C15,SUMPRODUCT(SMALL(INDEX(('FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$K$8:$K$27)+('FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$E$8:$E$27<>$A15)*1E+99,,),ROW($1:$7))),(SUMIFS('FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$K:$K,'FR-4---Recoveries from Merchant'!$E:$E,$A15)))

That's final solution I was able to provide
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My question is, if the summation exceeds the maximum, I would like to return value less than the maximum, say for instance, the total is #5,000,000 and I could only pay #4,634,642.50 as the available amount. then I would like to return value like Sum(₦1,001,000.00, ₦59,197.50,₦641,000.00,₦1,751,000.00,₦101,000.00,₦1,021,000.00), which is lower than the available amount. Also, for easy reconciliation, we could refer to the specific invoice numbers.
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Hi! This instruction is awesome. Thank you! I have a further question: if the summation exceeds the maximum, I would like to return the value 0 instead of the maximum. Is there a way to do that?
Thank you!
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Hi, regarding this issue, please refer to this post Go to now
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Thank you!
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Q stresse.....ESSAS FÓRMULAS, não funionam aqui.
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Hi, the formula provided above is work in English Excel version, if you are in Portugues version, try formula:
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I am trying to limit the amount in a cell to a max of 24. I am calculating the number of hours worked divided by 30 with this formula, for example

F5 is the specific employees hours worked,
and K1 is a hidden cell with a value of 30
(because for every 30 hours they work, they earn 1 hour of sick time) but the max limit is 24 hours in a year and i don't know how to limit the total to a max of 24 hours earnable.
Any help?
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Hi, V Rogers, try this formula: =MIN(1,SUM(E:E)/K1)
in the formula, E:E is the column that contains employees' work hours, you can change it as you need., the result cell (F5) needed to be formatted as 37:30:55 in the Format Cells dialog. See screenshot:
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Alguém me ajuda
Qual fórmula uso na celula onde meu resultado limite é de 1000 após esse resultado ele voltar a 0 e continuar somando e sempre q atingir 1000 ele voltar a 0
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Hi, try this formula: =IF(SUM(D1:D2)>1000,0,SUM(D1:D2))
D1 and D2 is the first two data that used to add.
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Good day,

does anyone have an idea how this works on multiplication formulas?

A1*A20= 100, but min value shall be 120

Is there a formula that always shows at least 120?
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Hi, use formula like this: =MAX(120,(A1*A20))
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For anyone looking to have a min AND a max, use the following formula:


This will limit the calculated sum to between -20 and +20, or any number of your choosing.
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Fera, como vc conseguiu isso? Aqui não funciona de jeito nenhum, no excel BR.
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Hola, estoy intentando aplicar la fórmula pero no me funciona. En mi caso el valor min es en horas, no se si es por eso que me da error.

Lo que quiero hacer es una celda que repita el valor de la celda adyacente limitando a un máximo de 8 horas. A ver si me pueden ayudar, gracias.
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Thank you, worked perfectly :)
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