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Kako obrniti znake vrednosti v celicah v Excelu?

Ko uporabljamo excel, so na delovnem listu tako pozitivna kot negativna števila. Recimo, da moramo spremeniti pozitivna števila v negativna in obratno. Seveda jih lahko spremenimo ročno, če pa jih je treba spremeniti na stotine, ta metoda ni dobra izbira. Ali obstajajo hitri triki za rešitev te težave?

Znak vrednosti v celicah obrnite s funkcijo Paste Special

Hitro obrnite predznak vrednosti v celicah s Kutools za Excel

Znak vrednosti v celicah obrnite s kodo VBA

Znak vrednosti v celicah obrnite s funkcijo Paste Special

Znak vrednosti v celicah lahko obrnemo z znakom Posebno lepljenje v Excelu, storite naslednje:

1. Dotaknite se številke -1 v prazno celico in jo kopirajte.

2. Izberite obseg, za katerega želite obrniti predznak vrednosti, z desno miškino tipko kliknite in izberite Posebno lepljenje. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

3. v Posebno lepljenje pogovorno okno, kliknite vsi možnosti iz testenine in Pomnožite možnost od operacija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. Nato kliknite OKin vsi znaki števil v območju so bili obrnjeni.

5. Po potrebi izbrišite številko -1.

Obrni predznak vseh števil naenkrat

Kutools za ExcelJe Spremeni znak vrednot pripomoček vam lahko pomaga spremeniti pozitivna števila na negativna in obratno, lahko tudi, da obrnete predznak vrednosti in popravite negativni predznak na normalno.  Kliknite za prenos Kutools za Excel!

Kutools za Excel: z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel, brezplačno preizkusite brez omejitev v 30 dneh. Prenesite in brezplačno preskusite zdaj!

Hitro obrnite predznak vrednosti v celicah s Kutools za Excel

Znak vrednosti lahko hitro obrnemo s Spremeni znak vrednot značilnost Kutools za Excel.

Kutools za Excel : z več kot 300 priročnimi dodatki za Excel, ki jih lahko brezplačno preizkusite v 30 dneh

Po namestitvi Kutools za Excel, naredite naslednje:

1. Izberite obseg, za katerega želite obrniti znake številk.

2. Kliknite Kutools > vsebina > Spremeni znak vrednot…, Glej posnetek zaslona:

3. v Spremeni znak vrednot pogovorno okno, preverite Obrni predznak vseh vrednosti, glej posnetek zaslona:


4. In nato kliknite OK or Uporabi. Vsi znaki števil so obrnjeni.


Znak vrednosti v celicah obrnite s kodo VBA

Prav tako lahko s kodo VBA obrnemo predznak vrednosti v celicah. Moramo pa vedeti, kako to doseči VBA. To lahko storimo v naslednjih korakih:

1. Izberite obseg, za katerega želite obrniti predznak vrednosti v celicah.

2. Kliknite Razvojni > Visual Basic v Excelu novo Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije bo prikazano okno ali z uporabo bližnjičnih tipk (Alt + F11), da ga aktivirate. Nato kliknite Vstavi > Moduliin nato kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo kodo VBA:

Sub Convert()
Dim C As Range
For Each C In Selection
C.Value = -C.Value
Next C
End Sub

3. Nato kliknite doc-revers-sign-6 za zagon kode. Številčni predznak v izbranem območju se je naenkrat obrnil.

Znak vrednosti v celicah obrnite s Kutools za Excel

Kutools za Excel: Več kot 300 priročnih orodij na dosegu roke! Začnite 30-dnevno brezplačno preskusno obdobje brez omejitev funkcij še danes. Download Now!
Comments (15)
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Tried to do the developer option and I get a:
Run-time error '438':
Object doesn't support this property or method

Any ideas?
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I have a mac version of excel and the paste special doesn't allow me to do that :-/ dying.
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Yes. Yes it does. Enter "-1" in a cell. Copy that cell. Highlight all the values whose sign you wish to flip. Opt-Cmd-V opens paste special dialog box, choose multiply from the Operations section (I also find it beneficial to choose "values" in the Paste Section rather than "all" to preserve any formatting).
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Thx Bro for the useful thread
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Thank you so much, Sir. You helped me a lot. I hope I can return the favor. Thank you so much.
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thank you i had just posted in the SUN system with the srong month. this has helped me to reverse all the 195 entries within 7 minutes...
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From my perspective it seems there is no foolproof way to simply remove a negative sign: Multiplying by -1 can screw up subsequent cell values if each one is using a formula. VBA requires saving in a different format. Kutools requires you to download/purchase an add-on. You can format a column to show negatives as positives, but it turns the font Red.
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I'm looking to add multiple $ to cells with formulas example (=((I29+AM29+AV29+BH29+CG29+CP29+DS29+AJ78+BA91+BU91+CO91+DK78)-(V25+EF25+EN25))/4 Is there away to do this quickly...
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This is tangentially related. I have a workbook in Excel 2013 that's baffling me. I get a #VALUE! error with the formula =SUM(8-(F4:F23)) in cell F2. When I reverse that, =SUM(F4:F23)-8), I get (#) where (#) is the negative of what I expect. But when I use #Jonathon's formula with my working formula in it, I again get the #VALUE! error. How is this #VALUE! error even possible? What I want is for F2 to be a positive number that's the leftover balance when F4:F24 is less that 8.
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Michaelq please use abs function. It turns negative and positive values both to positive one.
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Very cool trick. I imported transactions from BofA and AMEX and of course they use different signs for debits. One multiply paste later and I'm all fixed up. Thanks.
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In a New Cell simply Multiply a the Cell-value by -1. It will reverse automatically. No need to perform such a long procedures. e.g if the value in B1 is -25 then in Cell C1 enter the formula : =B1 * -1 :-)
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OMG THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. I have been looking all over the place for a way to simply do this. I was trying to find a way to have Excel take the SUM of a group of numbers and make it negative so that it would automatically do all the rest of the math on the sheet correctly. If anyone else is looking to do something similar, using the information I just obtained from #JAVED KHAN, enter the following function (this is just an example, change the cell references to match the ranges you are needing to use) =SUM(B2:H2) * -1 This will now take the sum of the range and automatically change the value to a negative number.
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You sir have just blown my mind with your Excel Ninja ways, I tip my hat to you sir :lol:
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The goal was to change an entire range of cells easily, not just a single cell. The paste multiply method is basically a one step procedure to do just that.
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