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Kako hitro vstaviti komentar v več celic v Excelu?

Na delovni list je vstavljanje komentarja v celico zelo enostavno, a če želite isti komentar vstaviti v več celic hkrati, kako bi to lahko storili?

Vstavite komentar v več celic s posebno prilepi funkcijo
Vstavite komentar v več celic s kodo VBA

Vstavite komentar v več celic s posebno prilepi funkcijo

V Excelu ni mogoče hkrati vstaviti več komentarjev. Komentar pa lahko kopirate v več celic, kot sledi:

1. Vstavite svoj komentar v celico.

2. Izberite celico za komentar in pritisnite Ctrl + C tipke za kopiranje.

3. Nato izberite in z desno miškino tipko kliknite obseg, za katerega želite paketno vstaviti komentar, izberite  Posebno lepljenje > Posebno lepljenje v meniju z desnim klikom. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. V Ljubljani Posebno lepljenje pogovorno okno, preverite Komentarji in nato kliknite OK . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Nato se isti komentarji takoj vstavijo v vse izbrane celice.

Opombe: Ta metoda bo v vse izbrane celice vstavila iste komentarje. Če želite iste komentarje vstaviti v vidne celice samo filtriranega seznama, poskusite spodnjo metodo VBA.

Vstavite komentar v več celic s kodo VBA

Recimo, da imate filtriran seznam, kot je prikazano spodaj. In samo želite paketno dodajati komentarje v vse vidne celice. Naredite naslednje.

1. Pritisnite druga + F11 tipke, da odprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

2. V Ljubljani Mocrosoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kliknite Vstavi > Moduliin v modul vnesite naslednjo kodo:

VBA: paketni inertni komentar na več celic (vidne celice samo na filtriranem seznamu)

Sub InsertCommentsSelection()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xRgEach As Range
    Dim xAddress As String
    Dim xText As String
    On Error Resume Next
    xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select a range:", "Kutools For Excel", xAddress, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg.Count > 1 Then
        Set xRg = xRg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    End If
    xText = InputBox("Enter Comment to Add" & vbCrLf & "Comment will be added to all cells in Selection: ", "Kutools For Excel")
    If xText = "" Then
        MsgBox "No comment added", vbInformation, "Kutools For Excel"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For Each xRgEach In xRg
        With xRgEach
        .Comment.Text Text:=xText
        End With
    Next xRgEach
End Sub

3. Pritisnite F5 tipko za zagon kode. V prvem popping up Kutools za Excel v pogovornem oknu izberite filtrirani obseg, v katerega želite dodati komentarje, in nato kliknite OK . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

4. Potem še eno Kutools za Excel Pojavi se pogovorno okno, vnesite svoj komentar v besedilno polje in kliknite na OK gumb.

Zdaj so komentarji vstavljeni v vse vidne celice samo na izbranem filtriranem seznamu, kot je prikazano spodaj:

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Kartica Office prinaša vmesnik z zavihki v Office in poenostavi vaše delo

  • Omogočite urejanje in branje z zavihki v Wordu, Excelu, PowerPointu, Publisher, Access, Visio in Project.
  • Odprite in ustvarite več dokumentov v novih zavihkih istega okna in ne v novih oknih.
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Comments (17)
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how do you make it ignores none merged cells and just add notes to only the merged cells selected?
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Hello, iresolver
To solve your problem, please apply the below code:
Sub InsertCommentsSelection()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xRgEach As Range
    Dim xAddress As String
    Dim xText As String
    On Error Resume Next
    xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select a range:", "Kutools For Excel", xAddress, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If xRg.Count > 1 Then
        Set xRg = xRg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    End If
    xText = InputBox("Enter Comment to Add" & vbCrLf & "Comment will be added to all cells in Selection: ", "Kutools For Excel")
    If xText = "" Then
        MsgBox "No comment added", vbInformation, "Kutools For Excel"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For Each xRgEach In xRg
        If xRgEach.MergeCells Then
            With xRgEach
            .Comment.Text Text:=xText
            End With
        End If
    Next xRgEach
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Excelente, gracias
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Excelente aporte, gracias por el dato !!!!
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Can anyone help me in VBA Code,
I want that I do multiple comments and have option to add picture in each cell without doing formatting again and again.
and then picture of that cell will save in folder of excel file with same cell name.
I will be thankful to you if anyone helps me in this
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this is really very informative post ..

thanks for the awesome post
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for filtered cell it is not working
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Dear me,
The VBA code is now updated. It supports batch insert comment to not only normal range, but also visible cells only in a filtered list.
Thank you for your comment!
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if the sheet in excel is in filter will this apply for only filtered cells????
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[quote]I researed valuable information on this point as I am working on a class project. Thank you posting useful information and its now becoming easier to accomplish this task. font converter online
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That's really helpful. thanks.
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This is just the information I am finding everywhere. Thanks for your blog, I just subscribe your blog. This is a nice blog. Yong
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