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Kako samodejno narediti kopijo vseh e-poštnih sporočil, ki jih pošljete v Outlooku?

Avtor: Siluvia Zadnja sprememba: 2022-03-11

Ko pošiljate e-poštno sporočilo in imate stalnega skrivnega prejemnika, vendar ne želite, da drugi prejemniki vidijo njegov naslov, uporabite funkcijo skp. Ko pa moramo narediti kopijo, moramo ročno pokazati polje skp in zanjo izbrati stik. Da bi se izognili tem ročnim operacijam, vam bo naslednji članek pokazal, kako spremenite Outlook tako, da se samodejno pripelje skp e-poštni naslov na vsa poslana e-poštna sporočila.

Privzeta samodejna skp v izgledu z uporabo VBA

Za konfiguriranje samodejnega pravila Bcc v Outlooku lahko uporabite spodnjo kodo VBA. Naredite naslednje:

1. Pritisnite druga + F11 tipke hkrati, da odprete okno Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Dvokliknite Ta OutlookSessionv podoknu Project in nato v odpiralno okno prilepite spodnjo kodo VBA. Oglejte si spodnji posnetek zaslona:

Koda VBA: Samodejna skp pri pošiljanju vseh e-poštnih sporočil

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim objRecip As Recipient
    Dim strMsg As String
    Dim res As Integer
    Dim strBcc As String
    On Error Resume Next
    ' #### USER OPTIONS ####
    ' address for Bcc -- must be SMTP address or resolvable
    ' to a name in the address book
    strBcc = ""
    Set objRecip = Item.Recipients.Add(strBcc)
    objRecip.Type = olBCC
    If Not objRecip.Resolve Then
        strMsg = "Could not resolve the Bcc recipient. " & _
                 "Do you want still to send the message?"
        res = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, _
                 "Could Not Resolve Bcc Recipient")
        If res = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    End If
    Set objRecip = Nothing
End Sub

Opomba: Prosimo, zamenjajte "" v zgornji kodi z e-poštnim naslovom, na katerega boste poslali skp.

3. Shranite kodo VBA in zaprite okno Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

Od zdaj naprej vam ni treba vnašati naslova v polje Skp. Ko pošljete e-poštno sporočilo iz svojega obeta, se samodejno pripelje do želenega prejemnika, ko izvaja kodo VBA.

Samodejna skp v Outlooku z uporabo Kutools za Outlook

Zgornja koda VBA je za začetnike nekaj težkega in težavnega, tukaj je enostavno in hitro orodje - Kutools za Outlook za lažje samodejno kopiranje vseh e-poštnih sporočil ali določenih e-poštnih sporočil, ki jih pošljete v Outlooku.

Kutools za Outlook: Vrhunski Outlookov komplet orodij z več kot 100 priročnimi orodji. Preizkusite BREZPLAČNO 60 dni, brez omejitev, brez skrbi!   Preberite več ...   Začnite z brezplačnim preizkusom zdaj!

Po namestitvi Kutools za Outlook storite naslednje:

1. Kliknite Kutools > Samodejno CC / BCC > Upravitelj pravil, glej posnetek zaslona:

2. v Samodejni upravitelj CC / BCC pogovorno okno, kliknite Novo gumb.

3. V čarovniku za pravila določite pogoje, po katerih boste filtrirali e-pošto. V mojem primeru obkljukam s specifičnimi besedami v telesu in kliknite podčrtano besedilo določene besede da ga uredite.

4. V pogovornem oknu Besedilo vsebuje kliknite Novo gumb za dodajanje novih besed.

5. V pogovorno okno Iskanje besedila vnesite besedo v Novo besedilo za iskanje kliknite polje Dodaj gumb in nato kliknite OK gumb.
nasveti: Če želite hkrati dodati več besed, morate v besedo vnesti eno besedo Novo besedilo za iskanje in kliknite Dodaj , nato ponovite to operacijo, da dodate druge besede eno za drugo, in na koncu kliknite OK gumb.

6. Zdaj se vrne v pogovorno okno Besedilo vsebuje. Če je potrebno, lahko nadaljujete s klikom na Novo , če želite dodati druge besede, kot jih potrebujete, in nato kliknite gumb V redu, da shranite te besede.
Namigi: Če v istem polju za iskanje besedila hkrati dodate več besed, je razmerje med temi besedama "IN"Če dodate več besed s klikom na Novo gumb zaporedoma je razmerje med tema besedama "OR".

7. Nato se vrne v čarovnik za pravila, po potrebi določite druge pogoje in kliknite Naslednji gumb.

8. V drugem čarovniku za pravila določite izjeme ali ne preverjajte nobenih izjem, kot jih potrebujete, in kliknite Naslednji gumb.

9. V tretji čarovnik za pravila vnesite ime za novo pravilo skp Ime pravila v polje vnesite opise pravila Opombe k pravilu kliknite polje prejemnik gumb, da dodate prejemnike kopije ali skp, označite možnosti za zagon v Nastavite možnosti pravil in kliknite OK gumb.

10. V samodejnem upravitelju CC / BCC preverite, ali je novo pravilo Cc / Bcc označeno, in z gumbom V redu zaprete pogovorno okno.

11. V glavnem vmesniku programa Outlook kliknite Kutools> CC / BCC> Enable Auto CC / BCC, da omogočite pravilo.

In kliknite na OK v pojavnem pogovornem oknu za potrditev.

Doslej je bilo ustvarjeno pravilo skp. Ko pošiljate e-pošto, bo isto sporočilo istočasno pošiljalo prejemniku skp.

(1) S to funkcijo lahko nastavite vedno CC pravila.
(2) S tem orodjem lahko ustvarite več pravil, kot jih potrebujete.
(3) Če želite zapreti pravila, lahko kliknete Omogoči samodejno CC / BCC, in vsa pravila ne bodo delovala. Prav tako lahko počistite ime pravil v Samodejni upravitelj CC / BCC pogovorno okno, da onemogočite določena pravila.

Povezani članek:

Kako se samodejno cc vedno v Outlooku?

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

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How to send mail BCC & recipient recieve mail with Dear <Recipient>
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Confirming this works for Outlook 2020, I just have 1 issue. How can I auto bcc FROM multiple accounts? My work issues us (2) separate emails different domains. Currently, when I send an email from both, I get the copy to the email entered in the code. I would like separate copies from whichever email is sending it. Any solutions?
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How to set it up auto bcc to multiple email addresses?
in outlook 2013 only had to add an additional line shown as below
strBcc = ""
strBcc = ""
But outlook 2016 only took 2nd line to add onto bcc.
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Try Kutools for Outlook's Auto Bcc feature!
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same problem here, do u have a solution so far?
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The VBA code works great. Thanks, but what if I want to bcc still, but only when sending to one specific email recipient?
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Great job guyz. Thank you . Worked for Outlook 2016 . Wonder how can i check the From to Field in order to autobcc only from one account. BR Chris
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Works great all day in Outlook 2010. Next day, it stopped working. I followed the instructions that SILUVIA ZHOU gave about macro security (without having to re-do the script) and it appears to work again.
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Hi. Works great for my laptop and office PC but after using it for about 1 day, or sending about 20+ emails, this feature just doesn't work anymore on both my desktop and laptop. Anyone can help me out? I'm using outlook 2010 and 2013. Thanks!
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Nice, very useful for me, Thanks
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Hi guys, I have tried this code and whilst it does work, it only CC's and not BCC's. I only want emails that contain Ref, REF or ref in the subject line to be BCC'd. Is anyone able to check that I have it constructed correctly please? ******* Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim Msg As Outlook.MailItem Dim onsMapi As Outlook.NameSpace Dim objRecip As Recipient Dim strMsg As String Dim res As Integer Dim strBcc As String If Item.Subject = "Ref" Then strBcc = "" ElseIf Item.Subject = "ref" Then strBcc = "" ElseIf Item.Subject = "REF" Then strBcc = "" End If Set objRecip = Item.Recipients.Add(strBcc) objRecip.Type = olBCC If Not objRecip.Resolve Then strMsg = "Could not resolve the Bcc recipient. " & "Do you want still to send the message?" res = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Could Not Resolve Bcc Recipient") If res = vbNo Then Cancel = True End If End If Set objRecip = Nothing End Sub
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If the "ref" is the only thing in your subject, then it should work fine. Although I would make a few small changes. If you put "Option Compare Text" above your first line (outside the sub) then when you're doing the comparison for your "If" statement, upper and lower case letters will be considered the same. So ref=REF=Ref=rEf=REf, etc. Then you can simplify your conditional to: [quote]If Item.Subject = "ref" then strBcc = ""[/quote] Personally, I would also add an [else strBcc = ""] just to cover your bases. Now, if you want to BCC emails that contain "ref" anywhere in the subject, you can try: [quote]If instr(Item.Subject,"ref",1) 0[/quote] The instr method searches the subject for "ref" and returns a number representing the character in the subject where "ref" starts. If it doesn't find "ref", it returns a 0. A disadvantage of using this method is that you may get some false positives (e.g. the subject contains the word "prefer"). If you want all emails with subjects that start with "ref" with anything following it, then you can use the following: [quote]If instr(Item.Subject,"ref",1) = 1[/quote] This is the same as the last one, except instead of getting all emails whose subjects contain "ref" anywhere, you'll only get emails whose subjects contain "ref" that starts with the first character.
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Can we make this work with sent items that have attachments.
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