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Kako spremeniti privzeto e-poštno predlogo v Outlooku?

Avtor: Kelly Zadnja sprememba: 2020-07-03

V Outlooku je enostavno ustvariti in uporabiti e-poštne predloge. Vendar se zdi nemogoče, da bi svojo e-poštno predlogo po meri nastavili kot privzeto. Toda v tem članku bom na krožni način predstavil trik za spremembo privzete e-poštne predloge v Outlooku.

Spremenite privzeto e-poštno predlogo v Outlooku

Spremenite privzeto e-poštno predlogo v Outlooku

Za spremembo privzete e-poštne predloge v programu Outlook sledite spodnji metodi krožišča.

1. v mail pogled, kliknite Domov > nova elektronska pošta da ustvarite novo e-pošto. Sestavite novo e-poštno sporočilo in kliknite file > Shrani kot.

2. V otvoritvenem pogovornem oknu Shrani kot storite naslednje: (1) Odprite mapo tiskovin z lepljenjem naslova % appdata% \ microsoft \ stationery v do Naslov: in pritisnite tipko Vnesite ključ; (2) Vnesite ime nove pisalne potrebščine v Ime datoteke škatla; (3) Izberite HTML Iz Shrani kot vrsto spustni seznam; (4) Kliknite Shrani gumb.

Do zdaj ste v Outlooku ustvarili pisalne potrebščine po meri. Zaprite novo e-pošto.

3. Kliknite file > možnosti odpreti pogovorno okno Možnosti Outlooka.

4. V pogovornem oknu Možnosti Outlooka kliknite mail v levi vrstici in nato kliknite Pisalne potrebščine in pisave gumb pod Sestavi sporočiloodsek. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

5. Zdaj se odpre pogovorno okno Podpisi in tiskovine, kliknite na tema . Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

6. V pogovornem oknu Tema ali Pisalne potrebščine kliknite, da izberete novo ustvarjeno tiskovino v Izberite temo in kliknite polje OK zaporedoma zaprete vsa pogovorna okna.

Od zdaj naprej, ko kliknete Domov > nova elektronska pošta če želite ustvariti novo e-poštno sporočilo v Outlooku, bodo določene pisalne potrebščine samodejno uporabljene za novo e-poštno sporočilo.

Z enim klikom spremenite privzete stopnje povečave oken za branje, sestavljanje in odgovarjanje na sporočila v Outlooku

Z Omogočite samodejno povečavo (v odstotkih) v oknu za branje, sestavljanje in odgovor možnost Kutools za Outlook, lahko z enim klikom hitro spremenite privzeto ročico za povečavo vseh oken za branje sporočil, sestavljanje oken sporočil in odgovarjanje / posredovanje sporočil.

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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
This doesn't save or change the styles with the stationery so doesn't work for me. I altered the hyperlink style to have no underline and it reverts to default style when using this stationery.
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Grandma managed to fix it.. thank you Wow you can teach an old dog new tricks
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Shows a from with my email address now starting the email. shows the new signature but also the old signature all in the body of the email Cannot find information on microsoft that I understand how to remove the old signature. Thank you but I am too old for all this new technology. Will wait for someone younger to come and fix it...LOL
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Thank you. It worked!
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Thank you for the clear and accurate instructions on how to do this! I had looked at other posts addressing this issue and they were not clear nor accurate. Thanks Again!!!
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Thank you for the training.I works!
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Thanks this is great! Is there a way to make this work on "Reply / Reply All" emails?
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Hi Simon,By default, the replies and forwards will inherit the theme of original emails. However, if we configure to attach the original email in the replies or forwards, the theme or stationery set for new emails will also be applied to the relies or forwards.
First of all, follow the steps introduced in this article to set the custom theme or stationery for the new email.
Then configure to attach original message when relying or forwarding a message.
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This is just what I was looking for. Amazing, thank you!
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Omg, thank you so much. You save me!!
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Is there a way for this to retain the contents of the subject on the subject line?

My "Subject: [subject content]" line appears in the body.
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How did you move the subject from mail content to the proper Subject bar ?
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