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Kako dvoklikniti celico, da odprete določen delovni list v Excelu?

Ali se želite hitro pomakniti do določenega delovnega lista v Excelovem delovnem zvezku? Ta članek vsebuje metodo VBA za odpiranje določenega delovnega lista z dvoklikom določene celice v Excelu.

Dvokliknite celico, da odprete določen delovni list s kodo VBA

Dvokliknite celico, da odprete določen delovni list s kodo VBA

Naredite naslednji postopek, da odprete določen delovni list tako, da dvokliknete celico v Excelu.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite zavihek lista, ki vsebuje celico, ki jo želite odpreti, tako da ga kliknete. In nato kliknite Ogled kode iz kontekstnega menija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

2. Na odprtju Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno, kopirajte naslednjo kodo VBA v okno Code.

Koda VBA: dvokliknite celico, da odprete določen delovni list v Excelu

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20180822
Dim xArray, xAValue As Variant
Dim xFNum As Long
Dim xStr, xStrRg, xStrSheetName As String
xRgArray = Array("A1;Sheet2", "A12;Sheet3", "A4;Sheet4", "A100;Sheet5")
On Error Resume Next
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStr = ""
xStr = xRgArray(xFNum)
xAValue = ""
xAValue = Split(xStr, ";")
xStrRg = ""
xStrRg = xAValue(0)
xStrSheetName = ""
xStrSheetName = xAValue(1)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(xStrRg)) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

Opombe: V kodi VBA, "A1; list 2""A12; list 3""A4; list 4""A100; list 5" pomeni, da dvojni klik na celico A1 odpre Sheet2, dvoklik A2 pa bo odprl Sheet3 ..., spremenite jih glede na vaše potrebe.

3. Pritisnite druga + Q tipke, da zaprete Microsoft Visual Basic za aplikacije okno.

Od zdaj naprej, ko dvokliknete celico A1 na trenutnem delovnem listu, bo navedeni delovni list takoj aktiviran.

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  • Poveča vašo produktivnost za 50%in vsak dan zmanjša na stotine klikov miške za vas!
Comments (14)
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Can't get the code to open the other worksheet
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Hi Will,Is there any prompts while using the code?
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Can't get code to open the other sheet, can some help
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It cannot accept the code for more than 59 sheets.
What code do i need to use to insert more sheets.
When it change the line the code doesnt work.
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Hi Crystal

I have copied the code and edited according to the name of the worksheets. The code is running but I still cannot open the sheets, what have I done wrong?

Sub OpenbyDoubleclicking(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim xArray, xAvlaue As Variant '
Dim xFSum As Long
Dim xStr, xStrRg, xStrSheetname As String
xRgArray = Array("A3;FTIR", "A4;Viscometer")
On Error Resume Next
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStr = ""
xStr = xRgArray(xFNum)
xAValue = ""
xAValue = Split(xStr, ";")
xStrRg = ""
xStrRg = xAValue(0)
xStrSheetname = xAValue(1)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(xStrRg)) Is Nothing Then _
End If
End Sub

Many thanks
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Hi Carl,
In your code, please replace the first line with "Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)".
Thank you for your comment. The entire code should be as follows.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xArray, xAValue As Variant
Dim xFNum As Long
Dim xStr, xStrRg, xStrSheetName As String
xRgArray = Array("A3;FTIR", "A4;Viscometer")
On Error Resume Next
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStr = ""
xStr = xRgArray(xFNum)
xAValue = ""
xAValue = Split(xStr, ";")
xStrRg = ""
xStrRg = xAValue(0)
xStrSheetName = ""
xStrSheetName = xAValue(1)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(xStrRg)) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
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Hi how can i extend my array? it stucks already and i cannot add more of this because it limits to col 1024 only for that line. pls help

xRgArray = Array("A2;Sheet2", "A3;Sheet3", "A4;Sheet4", "A5;Sheet5")
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Hi Neil,
The code works well in my case even extended my array to Array = Array("A2;Sheet2", "A3;Sheet3", "A4;Sheet4", "A5;Sheet5", "A6;Sheet6").
Can you tell me your Excel version?
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After you get to the desired sheet. Is there a way to copy information from a cell in that sheet and automatically go back to the cell I double clicked on originally in the first sheet?
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Hi James
You need to manually click the original worksheet tab to back to it. Sorry can't take this into consideration.
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Is there a way to do multiple codes for one tab? such as clicking on another cell to jump into another worksheet.

How would that code look like?
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Good day,

The below VBA code can help you to solve the problem. Thanks for your comment.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xArray As Variant
Dim xFNum As Long
Dim xStr, xStrRg, xStrSheetName As String
xRgArray = Array("A2;Sheet2", "A3;Sheet3", "A4;Sheet4", "A5;Sheet5")
On Error Resume Next
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStr = ""
xStr = xRgArray(xFNum)
xStrRg = ""
xStrRg = Left(xStr, 2)
xStrSheetName = ""
xStrSheetName = Right(xStr, Len(xStr) - 3)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(xStrRg)) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
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Hi, In the line that states xStrRg = Left(xStr, 2), this picks up the cell if its a single number cell i.e. A1, A2, A3. but not if its A11, or A111. how do i write the code to allow me to use cells A1, A11, and A111?

Hope this makes sense, i'm not particularly technical!!
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Good Day,
The code has been optimized again. Please have a try and thanks for your comment.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xArray, xAValue As Variant
Dim xFNum As Long
Dim xStr, xStrRg, xStrSheetName As String
xRgArray = Array("A1;Sheet2", "A12;Sheet3", "A4;Sheet4", "A100;Sheet5")
On Error Resume Next
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStr = ""
xStr = xRgArray(xFNum)
xAValue = ""
xAValue = Split(xStr, ";")
xStrRg = ""
xStrRg = xAValue(0)
xStrSheetName = ""
xStrSheetName = xAValue(1)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(xStrRg)) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
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