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Kako dodati bližnjice na predlogo v traku v Outlooku?

Avtor: Kelly Zadnja sprememba: 2013-12-02

Uporaba predlog, če pogosto pošiljate e-poštna sporočila z enakimi slogi besedila, postavitve ali posebnega formata, je varčen čas. Kar vas moti, morda ne boste izvedeli, kje so predloge, ali pa boste porabili veliko časa za njihovo iskanje. Pravzaprav obstaja nekaj trikov za varčevanje s časom za dodajanje bližnjic do predlog v traku v Microsoft Outlook 2010 in 2013 in vam omogoča, da predloge uporabite z enim klikom.

Dodajte bližnjico do predloge na traku z ustvarjanjem hitrih korakov

Dodajte bližnjico do predloge na traku tako, da v QAT dodate Izberite obrazce

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Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

puščica modri desni mehurčekDodajte bližnjico do predloge na traku z ustvarjanjem hitrih korakov

Če običajno pošiljate e-poštna sporočila z nekim posebnim besedilom, lahko ustvarite predlogo s posebnim besedilom in ga dodate v Hitri koraki škatla.

Korak 1: Kliknite na Ustvari novo v Hitri koraki skupina pod Domov tab.

2. korak: V pogovornem oknu Uredi hiter korak

  1. Vnesite ime za novo predlogo v ime: škatla;
  2. Kliknite v Izberite dejanje in izberite polje Novo sporočilo na spustnem seznamu.

Korak 3: Kliknite na Pokaži možnosti spodaj Če želite ... škatla.

4. korak: V novo predlogo dodajte informacije, kot sledi:

  1. Vnesite e-poštne naslove prejemnikov v Če želite ... škatla
  2. Vnesite podatke o zadevi v Zadeva: škatla
  3. Prednastavite zastavico in pomen
  4. Vnesite posebno besedilo v Besedilo: škatla.

Korak 5: Kliknite na Konec gumb.

Do zdaj je bila nova predloga dodana v polje Hitri koraki, ki je prikazano kot ime, ki ga vnesete v 2. korak.

Opomba: Bližnjične tipke v tej operaciji s hitrimi koraki ni mogoče uporabiti.
  Zaradi prikaza klasičnega vmesnika glavnega vmesnika Microsoft Outlook 2007 ta metoda v programu Microsoft Outlook 2007 ni veljavna.

puščica modri desni mehurčekDodajte bližnjico do predloge na traku tako, da v QAT dodate Izberite obrazce

Večino časa, ne samo posebnega besedila, lahko pošiljate e-poštna sporočila s posebno obliko in slogi. Ta metoda vam bo pomagala odpreti knjižnico predlog in vam omogočila hitro izbiro in uporabo predlog.

1. korak: Odprite knjižnico predlog s klikom na Novi Izdelki > Več elementov > Izberite Obrazci;

Mimogrede, v programu Outlook 2007 lahko kliknete file > Novo > Izberite Obrazci neposredno.

2. korak: V pogovornem oknu Izberite obrazec izberite Standardne predloge v Poglej v: ali kliknite brskalnik Gumb če želite izvedeti predloge.

Pravzaprav lahko dodate Izberite obrazec ukaz v orodni vrstici za hitri dostop v Microsoft Outlook 2010 in 2013. In obstaja nekaj načinov, kako to uresničiti.

Metoda A:

Korak 1: Kliknite na Novi Izdelki > Več elementov.

2. korak: Z desno miškino tipko kliknite Izberite obrazec element.

3. korak: V meniju z desnim klikom izberite Dodaj v orodno vrstico za hitri dostop element.

Nato ukaz Izberite obrazec se takoj doda v orodno vrstico za hitri dostop.

Metoda B:

Korak 1: Kliknite na file > možnosti.

2. korak: V pogovornem oknu Možnosti Outlooka kliknite Orodna vrstica za hitri dostop v levi vrstici.

3. korak: v Izberite ukaze iz: kliknite gumb in izberite Vsi ukazi s spustnega seznama.

5. korak: Izberite in označite Izberite obrazec v polju z ukazi.

Korak 6: kliknite Dodaj gumb.

Korak 7: kliknite OK gumb.

Zdaj se v orodni vrstici za hitri dostop takoj prikaže ukaz Izberite obrazec.

Opombe: V glavnem vmesniku programa Microsoft Outlook 2007 ni traku, zato te metode v programu Microsoft Outlook 2007 ne veljajo.

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Comments (22)
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Easy, select the template file in Windows Explorer and drag and drop it in the task bar, you'll be indicated that it has been pinned in Outlook, then, to use it, just right click Outlook in the task bar and you'll be able to select the template directly. Let me know if you need any screen shots for that.


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could you please share screenshots? I'm not sure what you mean by drag into the task bar
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This method is amazing thanks!
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I've got an alternative 'outside of the box' suggestion - Use signature process for your templates instead.

Construct your email with the necessary formatting. Copy the full email. Create a new signature - template 1 for example and then paste the full email in.

Then when you want to use the template open a blank email and select Insert - Signature - Template 1

The only disadvantage this has over the traditional template is you can't preload the To: CC: and subject field etc. but it is quite easy to select your templates
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Thank you...Thank you. After trying a little bit of everything, this worked for me :). I'll can use the quick steps above to create a preloaded email w/ To:, CC:, & Subject, and then use your suggestion to complete the body of the email. It's a 2 step process, but it works for the alternative :).
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I'd like to add several template emails in the Quick Step area from which several other employees can access as well. Is this possible?
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On my laptop, I can go into the choose form which opens the dialogue box to pick my template. I then push the end button which takes me to location of where my templates are stored. Works great for me, but on my desktop, I can't get this option to work. All the file locations for the templates have been setup, but the end button keeps taking me to a different location. It takes me to looking inside one of my mailboxes. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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Wim, you saved me tons of time! Thanks!
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Very creative solution! I have templates that always have attachments and this solution works great!
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I think I may have found a doable workaround. I agree with Daniel that the solutions above don't really give what we need: a direct link to a template that we want to use time and time again. This is what I did, and it makes it good enough for me: 1. Create the template and save it. The template will be stored in a directory on your hard disk, depending on your operating system: 1a. Windows 7 and Windows Vista saves the template in c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\microsoft\templates 1b. Windows XP saves the template in c:\documents and settings\username\application data\microsoft\templates 2. Browse to that directory, and now right-click the template file (keep holding the right mouse button!), and drag the template file onto your start bar, and then release the right mouse button 3. The template is now "pinned" on outlook in your startbar 4. To use the template, simply right-click on outlook in your startbar, and your template will show up in the "pinned" items, ready for you to use.
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Thank you so much for this simple fix! I've been Googling macros, adding new tab in Outlook etc but this works perfectly! We'll be adding Outlook templates to all our computers in the office and have been trying to figure this out, you have no idea how happy you have made us!
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Amazing!! i have to send 40+ emails with almost the same text, so each one needs slightly customising. This has saved me from sure repetitive strain injury, many thanks.
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That is a great solution! I used to have placed the "Templates" folder in the task bar (created by right click Task bar | Toolbars | New Toolbar...). This way works better if you have many templates as clicking the double 'greater than' sign besides "Templates" pops up all contents including any new .oft files inside the folder. The downside is that the "Template" folder now takes some space away from my taskbar and its not part of Outlook 'group'. However if just adding 2 or 3 .oft file links, this is the best logical place to tied it with the Outlook icon in the task bar. Thanks WIM
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Awesome, Thank for posting the first real solution to this issue.
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Awesome, thanks for posting this!
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Thank you, Wim! I've been trying to figure out an easy way since I have been upgraded to 2013. So happy to have found this!
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Thanks for sharing Wim Chalmet. :-)
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None of these steps are actually helpful. 1st method will create template, but unfortunately only in plain text - you cannot save template with colors or any modification. Using 2nd method will only allow you to access choose form, where you will still need to look for right template.
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You can change it from plain text to HTML. In the template, click on the FORMAT TEXT tab. In the FORMAT section, there is an HTML option. Then save it again.
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Just save what you often use in a signature and open your email standard with this signature...
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I have Outlook 2013. I have an email template that I will use thousands of times. Q: How do I keep it there after each send so I don’t have to retrieve it and open it up every time?
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Just save your template as a signature and open your email standard with this signature.
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