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Kako kopirati sestanek na drug dan v Outlookovem koledarju?

V koledarju programa Outlook sem poskušal kopirati sestanek na drug dan s kopiranjem in lepljenjem. Kopiran pa je bil le predmet sestanka, kot je prikazano spodaj. Ampak moram kopirati celoten sestanek, razen začetnega / končnega datuma, kakšne ideje?

Kopirajte sestanek na drug dan v Outlookovem koledarju s tipko Ctrl

v Koledar v pogledu Outlooka izberite sestanek, ki ga želite kopirati, in ga povlecite na drug dan, tako da držite Ctrl tipko in spustite miško.

Zdaj se izbrani sestanek kopira natančno na drug dan, razen začetnega in končnega datuma. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Kopirajte sestanek na drug dan v Outlookovem koledarju z desnim gumbom miške

v Koledar pogleda Outlooka, povlecite sestanek, tako da držite desni gumb miške, spustite miško do določenega dne, v katerega želite kopirati, in nato izberite Kopiraj iz pojavnega kontekstnega menija. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Zdaj je sestanek kopiran na določen dan v koledarju v Outlooku. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Vsako e-poštno sporočilo samodejno posreduje določenemu prejemniku v Outlooku

Na splošno lahko nastavimo pravilo za samodejno posredovanje e-poštnih sporočil določenim prejemnikom, na primer vašemu drugemu e-poštnemu računu, Gmailu ali kolegom itd. Toda vse, kar vemo, bo trajalo dolgo, da konfigurirate pravilo po meri v Outlook. Zdaj predstavljamo Kutools za Outlook (Samodejno) Naprej funkcija, ki lahko nastavi pravilo samodejnega posredovanja samo z več kliki.

samodejno posredovanje e-pošte

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Comments (12)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Muito obrigado! Funciona e é simples e rápido de fazer. A explicação com as imagens ajudou muito.
Rated 5 out of 5
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I was able to follow Bethanne's comments and was successful after cursing MS on this for months. THANKS! "Find your folders pane. Mine is on the left of the screen and shows just two months over the list of folders. One can resize the folders pane to reveal more months. There's a border between the folders pane and the main calendar view. Hover over that border and your cursor arrow changes to the column resize icon. Now drag the border over to make the folders pane bigger and the main view smaller. More months will appear in the folders pane." Then, follow the suggestion to hold CTRL to copy while dragging the appointment you want to duplicate to the new callendar location, and DROP it.
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On the left side of your screen should be a folder pane. Open and pin it to stay open, if it is not already. Click on the date of the appointment/meeting you want to copy. Then find the date in the control pane you want to copy the appointment/meeting to. Hold the ctrl button while clicking on the date(s) you want to copy to. All chosen date should appear on your screen. Then you can use the drag and drop with right click on the mouse, or hold ctrl while drag & dropping to the next date(s).
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On my machine, any of the copy-paste methods (inc. ctrl+c, ctrl+v) do not copy the reminder - the one thing that definitely should be copied!
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this!
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On a Macintosh computer, you hold down the Option key, then click and drag the item to a different day.
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Copying the appointment by dragging doesn't work if the target date is not visible on the screen. The calendar does not scroll while you are dragging the appointment.
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Here is a workaround may help you.
Drag to copy the appointment to any one date close to the target appointment, and then modify the start date and end date of the new appointment.
Hope it helpful!
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Agree, this is what I am trying to do as well. Anyone found a solution?
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Did you find an answer for this, Guy? I need to know the very same thing.
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Sandra's got the right answer, but I'll be more specific: Find your folders pane. Mine on the left of the screen and shows just two months over the list of folders. One can resize the folders pane to reveal more months. There's a border between the folders pane and the main calendar view. Hover over that border and your cursor arrow changes to the column resize icon. Now drag the border over to make the folders pane bigger and the main view smaller. More months will appear in the folders pane. It drove me absolutely crazy until I figured this out.
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where you can view multiple months on the side or wherever you position them, you can view more than a year's worth if you click and drag the dragger* (sorry i don't know the correct term) you can then right-click your calendar invite, drag & drop it onto any day you choose
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