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Kako onemogočiti samodejno popravljanje v programu Microsoft Outlook?

V programu Microsoft Outlook lahko onemogočite funkcijo samodejnega popravljanja, da Outlook ne bo samodejno popravil tistega, kar ste vtipkali v e-poštno sporočilo. Sledite spodnjim korakom.

Onemogočite samodejno popravljanje v programu Microsoft Outlook

Zavihek Office – omogočite urejanje in brskanje z zavihki v Microsoft Officeu, kar olajša delo
Kutools za Outlook – izboljšajte Outlook s 100+ naprednimi funkcijami za vrhunsko učinkovitost
Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

puščica modri desni mehurčekOnemogočite samodejno popravljanje v programu Microsoft Outlook

V Outlooku lahko funkcijo samodejnega popravljanja izklopite na naslednji način.

1. klik file > možnosti v napovedih 2010 in 2013.

V programu Outlook 2007 kliknite Orodja > možnosti.

2. V Ljubljani Outlook Možnosti v pogovornem oknu Outlook 2010 in 2013 kliknite mail v levem podoknu kliknite na Črkovanje in samodejno popravljanje gumb v Sestavi sporočila oddelek.

V programu Outlook 2007, v možnosti v pogovornem oknu pod Črkovanje Kliknite jeziček Črkovanje in samodejni popravek gumb.

3. Ko Možnosti urejevalnika pogovorno okno, ki se odpre, kliknite izolacija v levem podoknu in kliknite Možnosti samodejnega popravljanja gumb v Možnosti samodejnega popravljanja oddelek.

4. V pogovornem oknu AutoCorrect pojdite na Samopopravki , nato počistite polje Med tipkanjem zamenjajte besedilo škatla. Nato kliknite na OK gumb.

5. Kliknite OK gumbe v naslednjih pogovornih oknih za dokončanje celotnih nastavitev. Funkcija samodejnega popravljanja je onemogočena, kot želite.

Najboljša pisarniška orodja za produktivnost

Kutools za Outlook - Več kot 100 zmogljivih funkcij za nadgradnjo vašega Outlooka

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4. In the Autocorrect dialog box just unmark the "Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker" on the bottom.
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These instructions lead me to nothing that makes sense. The instructions tell me to click on buttons that don't exist. My computer is a HP laptop that uses Microsoft and has Outlook email. I bought this computer early this month (February 2019) and I've already disabled autocorrect in the computer, but now I also need to disable autocorrect in the Outlook email and probably in every other activity where writing is done. I want instructions that mention buttons that do exist. I want autocorrect to be permanently gone from all of my devises. I want autocorrect to be irrevocably gone and impossible to ever bring back to any of my devices. I did not intend to be buying mandatory autocorrect when I bought my devices. Autocorrect in reality is Auto Sabotage since it completely changes my words to totally different words that have totally different meanings. I want no more excuses. I want it gone.
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THANK YOU. This was driving me mad. And the way they have that selection set up, it doesn't even look like it's for shutting off autocorrect in general.
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Hi, can anyone help me how I can turn off autocorrect when I type the letter i, it changes to capital I, and when I write Swedish worde like möte, it changes to mote... Our IT-department can not help me...
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Get a new job then, if the IT is that incompetent, i dont want to see how others perform lol....
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How to disable the check spelling in the original message? Every times, my reply has no error but the original message ( in reply of forward ) has a lot and the program is checking the spelling all the times. I am desesperated
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This was a huge help for me! Thank you!
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[quote]This was a huge help for me! Thank you!By Lazze[/quote] Yeah it is the first one that worked for me.
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