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Kako onemogočiti naročanje na mape IMAP v Outlooku?

Ko dodate e-poštni račun IMAP, so vse mape IMAP privzeto dodane in naročene na Microsoft Outlook. V nekaterih primerih se morda ne želite naročiti in posodobiti zasebne mape IMAP v Outlooku. V tem članku vam bom pokazal, kako enostavno onemogočiti naročanje na določeno mapo IMAP v Outlooku.

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Izboljšajte svoj Outlook 2021 - 2010 ali Outlook 365 s temi naprednimi funkcijami. Uživajte v obsežnem 60-dnevnem brezplačnem preizkusu in izboljšajte svojo e-poštno izkušnjo!

Če želite onemogočiti naročanje na mape IMAP v programu Microsoft Outlook, storite naslednje:
Korak 1: preklopite na pogled pošte in kliknite eno mapo IMAP, na katero boste onemogočili naročanje v podoknu za krmarjenje.

Korak 2: Kliknite na Mape IMAP gumb na Mapa zavihek. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Opomba: Če uporabljate Outlook 2007, kliknite Orodja > Mape IMAP.
3. korak: V pogovornem oknu s pojavnimi mapami IMAP kliknite Poizvedba gumb.

4. korak: Kliknite, da označite mapo IMAP, na katero boste onemogočili naročanje Naročen Kliknite jeziček Odjava gumb in nato kliknite OK za izhod iz tega pogovornega okna. Oglejte si posnetek zaslona:

Nato boste opazili, da je navedena mapa IMAP še vedno v podoknu za krmarjenje, vendar se je v vašem programu Microsoft Outlook ustavila naročnina.

Opomba: Če se želite naročiti na določeno mapo IMAP, ki ste jo prej onemogočili, prosimo, pojdite najprej v pogovorno okno IMAP Folders, nato kliknite Poizvedba , nato kliknite, da označite mapo IMAP na vsi kartico, nato kliknite Prijavi se gumb.

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The problem I'm finding, is after changing from POP3 to IMAP, all folders are sync'd to my server.
Even if I unsubscribe a folder, restart Outlook, if I delete an email in that folder, it deletes on the server. Same if I delete something on the server it deletes on my PC (in the unsubscribed folder). Seems the subscribe/unsubscribe does nothing.
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I have the exact same issue. The method described above AND in other sites, does not work.
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This is interesting and I wonder if it would help me. I sometimes have 'space' issues with our email...i.e. we keep everything and go over our limit with our provider. If I were to create a folder and 'unlink' it from IMAP, would that remove the emails from our server...therefore free up space?
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I am using an Outlook 2016 email client that has an IMAP connection to a Gmail server, and did not find this method to be completely effective. I was able to disable subscribing for some folders, but there is a group of folders for which unsubscribing is disallowed: [Gmail]/Drafts [Gmail]/Sent Mail [Gmail]/Spam [Gmail]/Trash [Gmail]/Inbox [Gmail]/Sent Items When I attempted to unsubscribe from these folders, in each case I got a message stating that I could not unsubscribe from that folder, that it was a special folder and could not be unsubscribed from in Outlook. For several years, I have used my Outlook Inbox and Sent Mail as email message repositories, saving emails from different mail servers. Synchronization with the Gmail server deleted all messages not found on the Gmail server, which included all of my email history from previous email accounts. So, this limitation had a great impact on me, and perhaps other users as well. Every time I perform a Send/Receive operation, these folders are synchronized, greatly extending the time it takes for a Send/Receive to complete. I don't know if this problem only occurs with Gmail accounts, but it is a significant limitation to the method, and I would suggest that a note be added to the description advising users of this potential limitation. --Ralph Perry
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Same here - as to the synchronizing - don't care about mail on other devices I have a separate Gmail account on my iPhone that I only use on it, if necessary. Wish I had never switched to an imap from pop3.
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I have inadvertendly unsubscribed from an IMAP folder that I can now no longer re-subscribe to. When sending an empty Query in the IMAP Folders dialog, the folder used to show in the "Subscribed" tab, but not the "All" tab. I had selected the folder in the "Subscribed" tab and clicked Unsubscribe. The folder disappeared from the list. I want to re-subscribe to the folder, preferrably without having to delete and re-setup the entire IMAP account. But I can't get the folder to show up in the "All" tab to re-subscribe to it. The folder still shows up in Outlook's folder pane for said account. Any hints?
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There is a checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box that if checked will only show subscribed folders in the list. Uncheck that box and then hit the query button again. This should cause any folder unsubscribed to, to reappear in the dialog box where you can then renew the subscription to that folder.
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